Sunday, November 23, 2008

My First Test Drive

Wow, I couldn't believe it myself. I'm almost 15 months old and Mom & Dad forked over a new car for me. - a new Ford Fusion. I have to say, this is much safer than our '91 Corolla and I like the fact that I can hook up my bluetooth to the car's SYNC system. So much fun.

I've also included some pictures of my first test drive to show off my newly acquired skills. As you can see in the photos I first had to get comfortable in the chair, but I quickly learned that, due to my short stature, I need to stand to get the best view!!
Love you all!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A couple months for "Firsts"!

Hello Family!

Its been a wild a crazy month of September and October. I've been trying to post some updated life stories to my blog, but my parents have been a little busy - so I have been spending most of my time helping around the house. You know, cleaning, doing dishes, that sort of thing.
However, I do want to share a couple of exiciting moments from the past couple months:

1. My 1st Birthday!!! I was able to see both Grandmas and Grandpas, as well as two aunts - I was very spoiled...enjoy these pictures:

2. Happy Halloween as Elmo!! I love Elmo, but other costumes scared me a bit. I was glad Dad was there to join the party with all my Dayschool friends.

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more exciting adventures!!!!
Love, Maddy